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Perl CGI Scripts - DB2 Total Environment Allocation Error Troubleshooting

[Fri Feb 13 14:08:03 2004] [error] [client] DBI connect('sample','user1',...) failed: Total Environment allocation failure!
Did you set up your DB2 client environment? at /var/www/cgi-bin/picture_form1_submit1.pl line 516, referer:
This error message is from a Linux installation of DB2 and Apache.

Solution: This error message means that the Perl DBD::DB2 module is not able to locate the DB2 client libraries. The solution to this problem is to add environment variables to the Apache httpd.conf file for proper execution of DB2 client software libraries by DBD::DB2. Customize the following configuration statements to include the pathnames to the DB2 client software installed on your web server:
SetEnv DB2_PATH /opt/IBM/db2/V8.1
SetEnv SQLLIB /opt/IBM/db2/V8.1/sqllib
SetEnv DB2INSTANCE db2inst1
PassEnv DB2_PATH

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