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Perl CGI Scripts - DB2 Connection Failure on Windows Troubleshooting

The Perl CGI scripts don't connect with the database, and the following info is logged when the debug variable is set = 1 within the Perl CGI scripts:
DBI 1.37-ithread dispatch trace level set to 2
Note: perl is running without the recommended perl -w option
-> DBI->connect(dbi:DB2:sample, user1, ****, HASH(0x1c227cc))
-> DBI->install_driver(DB2) for MSWin32 perl=5.006001 pid=1724 ruid=0 euid=0
(This info was logged on a Windows IIS web server.)
Solution: This logged info means that Perl cannot find the DB2 libraries in order to connect with the DB2 database.

Solution1: Rebooting the Windows server after installing DB2 client software and DBI/DBD:DB2 software should enable the updated environment variables to be made available to all software running on the computer.

Solution2: Adding a Perl $ENV{"PATH"} statement containing the PATH variable at the top of each Perl CGI script will also resolve this issue.

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