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FmPro Script Diff Demo Available for download...

Troubleshooting: No scripts on ClipBoard error.

FmPro Script Diff retreives FileMaker ScriptMaker scripts from the Clipboard when importing scripts from FileMaker Pro/Advanced. If there isn't at least one complete or partial script on the clipboard, this error message is displayed when clicking the Add Script(s) button.
Following the inital part of the error message is a listing of the types of data actually found on the clipboard.
For example, if there is regular text on the clipboard, this info is often displayed as the following types: styl, TEXT
If a FileMaker layout is on the Clipboard, its data types will be displayed as: XMLO, PDF, PICT

FileMaker Pro 9 introduces the capability of copying scripts to the Clipboard. With FileMaker 8 and 8.5, this feature was previously reserved for FileMaker Advanced.

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